Timeframe: February 9 - 22, 2025 *2-week update
Spotlight: In the Santa Barbara South segment, crews have shifted northbound lanes into the median and will remove old northbound lanes. The Hermosillo Rd northbound off-ramp will close on Feb 20 for approximately 5 months as crews construct the improved off-ramp. In Montecito, crews will open the northbound off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd on Feb 20, one month ahead of schedule. Work continues on new creek bridges, paving northbound lanes, and the northbound on-ramp at San Ysidro Rd. In the Padaro segment, crews are finishing up improvements.
Please drive safely through the corridor and remember to Slow for the Cone Zone. The speed limit is reduced to 55 mph for safety throughout the construction areas. Please expect day and night work.
Northbound Highway 101
Thursday, Feb 20, 8:00 pm - 5:00 am, 1 lane: Sheffield Dr to Cabrillo Blvd, off-ramps at San Ysidro Rd, Olive Mill Rd, and Hermosillo Rd (These closures facilitate the opening of the off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd and the closure of the off-ramp at Hermosillo Rd.)
On-ramp at San Ysidro Rd, closed until mid-2025, drivers can use the northbound on-ramp at Sheffield Dr
Off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd, will open on Feb 20, one month ahead of schedule. Until Feb 20, drivers can use the northbound off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd as a detour
Off-ramp at Hermosillo Rd, closed Feb 20 for 5 months, drivers can use the northbound off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd as a detour
Monday, Feb 10, 8:00 pm - 5:00 am, 1 lane: Lillie Ave to San Ysidro Rd for pothole repair
Southbound Highway 101
Sunday night, Feb 9, 9:00 pm - 7:00 am, 1 lane: Wallace Ave to Carpinteria Ave, off-ramp at N Padaro Ln
Monday, Feb 10, 8:00 pm - 7:00 am, 1 lane: Los Patos Wy to Sheffield Dr, on-ramp at Olive Mill Rd and off-ramp at San Ysidro Rd for pothole repair
Monday - Thursday nights, Feb 10 - 13, 8:00 pm – 7:00 am, 1 lane: Wallace Ave to Carpinteria Ave, off-ramp at N Padaro Ln
On-ramp at Posilipo Ln, closed until spring 2026, drivers can use the southbound on-ramp at Sheffield Dr
N Jameson Ln
9:00 am - 3:00 pm, Mondays - Fridays, flaggers will direct traffic as needed on N Jameson Ln between Sheffield Dr and Olive Mill Rd to enable crews to move equipment and materials.
Please note: consecutive ramps in the same direction will not be closed at the same time (unless where noted) to allow drivers to use a ramp before or after a closure. To view timelines, detours, and maps, please visit www.SBROADS.com and select the project segment or Construction Update page. Live project cameras are online at https://www.hwy101carpinteria-santabarbara.com/construction-updates.
Highway 101: Santa Barbara South
The Santa Barbara South segment is located between Olive Mill and Hermosillo Rds with median work extending up to Cabrillo Blvd (for traffic lane shifts).
Northbound Hwy 101
Crews have shifted northbound traffic into the median and will remove the old lanes (see photo above). Drainage improvements will continue.
Highway 101: Montecito
The Montecito segment is located between Sheffield Dr and Olive Mill Rd.
Highway 101
Northbound freeway lanes
Crews will continue pouring Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) for the new northbound lanes. Please expect night noise.
The northbound freeway lanes are divided by safety barriers between Hixon and Olive Mill Rds until the summer of 2025 to provide space to construct the new northbound lanes. Montecito exits are accessible from the slow lane.
Northbound off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd
Crews have installed rebar and poured concrete for the improved ramp. Crews will continue working on drainage, signage, cobblestones in the area between the ramp and freeway lanes, and curb and gutters (see photo above). The northbound off-ramp at Olive Mill Rd will open on February 20, one month ahead of schedule.
Northbound on-ramp at San Ysidro Rd
Crews have installed rebar and will continue pouring concrete for the improved on-ramp. New safety barriers are also being constructed (see photo above).
Romero, San Ysidro, and Oak Creek Bridges
Crews have poured concrete for the new bridge deck and side supports (abutments) at all three bridges. Crews will be constructing approach areas for the new bridges. Drainage improvements continue at all three bridges.
Highway 101: Padaro
The Padaro segment is located between North Padaro Ln and Santa Claus Ln.
Highway 101
Crews have opened both the northbound and southbound carpool or HOV (high occupancy vehicle) lanes and will be completing minor improvements throughout the project area.
N Padaro Interchange
Concrete Mix Site: the week of Feb 10, 8:00 pm to 6:00 am, crews will be mixing concrete for concrete pours. By mixing concrete on-site, the project saves an estimated 463,771 truck miles, reduces water use by 400,000 gallons (concrete mixed on-site uses less water), and saves taxpayers between $10-$15 million.
Concrete recycling continues by the northbound Highway 101 off-ramp at N. Padaro Ln.

at North Padaro Ln.

at San Ysidro Creek

at San Ysidro Rd.

at Olive Mill Rd.

at Olive Mill/Spring Rds.